Unable to claim WRT rewards

Wne trying to claim rewards or remove WRT from boost vault,
I get the “Something has gone wrong” error.

Code -1: “Unable to create tx.
Reason: collaterals: total 0, required 402693”.

I’m using Edge and the Eternl wallet.
Did work fine for more than a year. What was changed?

hey, sorry for the delayed reply but if you’re still having trouble I would recommend opening a support ticket on the Wingriders Discord server, this is the only place for technical support from dev team.

As a quick fix for future; the error message mentions collateral so I would recommend reseting your collateral in Wallet - Settings - Collateral - Set Collateral. Also make sure to have enough Ada leftover to cover transactions fees, it’s possible some of your Ada is tied up with tokens or NFTs and cannot be spent.
Discord server invite link: WingRiders

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same, any tips on how to fix it?

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Hey rulo!

If you’re facing the same problem, you need to set up the collateral in your wallet settings.

If you need detailed support, please open a ticket in our Discord, so you can share screenshots and detailed information in a private way: WingRiders.

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