Issue with Farm management on chrome with Eternl wallet

Hello Guys,

I tried to withdraw my coins from the ADA/WMT farm but when i press on the button manage nothing appears on the new page. Is there an issue with Wingriders or is it chrome that is causing this trouble ? Im currently using chrome version 119.0.6045.160

Hey @onurdogan!
This seems to be a general UI problem, but the dev team is already aware of it.

It appears to only affect interactions with the farm, but we’ll need to wait for an update from the dev side.

Thanks for letting us know.

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HEllo, Same problem here with all of my active farms. Empty sreeen comes with no pool data and functions to manage. Hope the fix will come soon. Thanks.

Hey @lucskais and @onurdogan!
The problem should be solved now.
Let me know if that isn’t the case for you.

Thanks again for flagging it.