I would prefer a WRT buyback for simplicity reason and refilling of the treasury for a reward loop given LPs.
Cant argue any regulatory concerns given direct ADA drops for WRT holders - is it possible to point out, where the problem lies within this idea?
Genius is also “dropping” Ada and other tokens for claim on ther EARN page for stakers - so either they are regulatory incompliant, or there should be ways to implement a direct ADA reward for token holders (maybe only for WRT in the vault and as a claimable reward with the other farming rewards, so it would mirror genius logic).
Anyway, Im fine with both variants, but as I layed out in Discord a while aog, I still argue, that WRT needs an updated utility with rewards (even if they seem low), as the token price is bleeding from inflation and provider need to be incentiviced somehow. The current utility is not enough to counter the bleed, as (while nice to have) the governance and the launchpad utility does not counter the inflation. The first, because governance is only usefull, if you can vote for rewards (as already proven by this discussion) and the second would need some launching products, but currently they seem to go on lther launchpads.
Anyway, if other have something to add, or to explain, why there would be regulatory concerns that do not already apply by running a DEX itself, would be quite welcome.
So, my proposals for implementation would be:
If in ADA:
Give Ada in the Rewards sections for farming holders for WRT in the vault
If with buyback:
Just buy back on each epoch (or once a month/week) on an automatic level and show the buybacks on the weppage with the amount in the treasury, so people can see the increasing buybacks (if it works as intended). Could be coupled with a nice automatic overview in the social channels, like the farming epoch message.