Is it hard to add a reward for a LP Pair . I would love to see rewards for $NFTC and ADA pair

Is it hard to add a reward for a LP Pair . I would love to see rewards for $NFTC and ADA pair.

hey there!

in short, it’s not difficult but the token rewards need to come out of somewhere.

so if we’re talking about a double farm this would require someone to allocate those $NFTC tokens for this purpose. this would then be something for the project behind $NFTC to consider. if there’s an amount of tokens the project prepared to commit for farming rewards in order to create a double farm on Wingriders then the best thing to do is to reach out to the Wingriders team to discuss further.

Best way to reach the team is through the Discord where you can open a ticket to discuss directly with the team.

Hope this helps understand the process a bit :slight_smile:

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